
I have a small input signal of 60Hz sine wave from signal generator, which is corrupted with 50Hz mains supply frequency. I want to measure the amplitude of the 60Hz signal using FFT because it is very small to see in the oscilloscope.
The Matlab FFT code:

y = data;    
Fs = 2048;
[r, L] = size(y);
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(L); % Next power of 2 from length of y
Y = fft(y,NFFT)/L;
f = Fs/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1);
% Plot single-sided amplitude spectrum.

But the FFT plot doesn't give a sharp peak at 50 and 60Hz. The plot looks like this:

The consecutive points have high and low amplitude alternatively which gives a saw-tooth like plot. Why is it so? Is the amplitude of 60Hz affected by this?

It would be nice, if you add plot of time domain signal as well. What is the source of signal?User1551892

2 Answers


Probably there are two effects

  1. If one measures a time window of a signal, this leads unavoidable to a phase gap between the start and endpoint of the signal modes. The FFT of a gap or a rectangular signal causes high frequency oscillations. These oscillations caused by border effects can be damped due to a window function, which smooths out the signal to the borders.

  2. There is a discrete frequency spectra in DFT. If one measures a signal which does not match to any of these discrete modes, a lot more frequencies are necessary to reconstruct the original signal.


Your 50 Hz signal may not be a pure perfect sine wave. Any differences from a perfect sine-wave (such as clipping or distortion) is equivalent to a modulation that will produce sidebands in the spectrum.

Windowing a signal whose period is not an exact sub-multiple of the FFT length will also convolve windowing artifacts with that signal.