
Every time I make a change to my SASS in development, I get 20s+ load times when loading my application.css.

I've read some other questions, and tried:

  • Setting config.assets.debug = false.
  • Changing up imports and requires (I use SASS variables)
  • Using Miniprof and its firegraph
  • Using rails-asset_profile

Here's what I read:

I've been having this issue from Rails 3.2 and now in 4.2.

I'm going crazy here. How do I find the bottleneck in this mess?

I am looking for a solution that allows me to pinpoint with precision where the time is spent and suggests ways to cut down on that compilation time.

did you have a look at the browser? which asset is the slow one?phoet
@phoet Oh, the compiled CSS file. Forgot about mentioning that.Jonathan Allard
a simple way to that is using .css.erb files and puts statments. just to get any reference pointsphoet
How are your files organised? If you use a lot if SASS @import statements, you will seriously slow things down if you have a lot of CSS code, since on every change SASS will have to recompile everything, and not just a single file. I happened to encounter this scenario earlier this week, and using require instead of @import solved this; I created a separate variables.css.sass file to store variables & mixins (which is @imported in every SASS file).Martin Tournoij
Have you tried sassc-rails? It speeds up precompiling by x3. It's not gonna work if you are using compass thoughmswiszcz

2 Answers


There is a gem called quiet_assets that suppresses logging of assets load. In times of rails 3.x it drastically accelerated my development mode. Let me know if this does help.


Look at sprockets source at find method in Sprockets::Manifest class. You can change it to following:

paths.each do |path|
  start = Time.now
  puts "Start #{path}"
  environment.find_all_linked_assets(path) do |asset|
    yield asset
  puts "Finished: #{Time.now - start}"

So it will print all time required to compile each asset. Hope it'll help :)

Edit: This chunk of code is from master branch. You can view and edit your current version of sprockets by using

bundle open sprockets

Output after changes:

$ rake assets:precompile 
Start admin.css
I, Ä2015-11-28T10:45:26.986231 #45492Ü  INFO -- : Writing /Users/sky/projects/photo_school/public/assets/admin-0e445dcfdc3bd3029943b7d3621b4156c9838eed229c3628f8c558cbb3ce1a59.css
Finished: 10.165564

EDIT: changed code a bit and changed link (yesterday put link to a wrong fork: was in a hurry, found out your question only in 15 minutes before bounty closing :)). I checked this code in my project and it works properly (the project uses version 3.3.3 of sprockets).