

I want to create animation of curved line in as3 as it is shown in image. But I have not idea how to do this.

I can create first and last picture of animation by drawing api and curveTo method. But dont know how to do images between!

First curve on picture:

line.graphics.moveTo(10, 200);
line.graphics.curveTo(210,0,410, 200);

I tryed draw states between in drawing editor.

Is there any way to create states between by using drawing api ?

Thanks for any advice.

If you don't mind, I would like to give you hints: for animation you will need time and Timer or ENTER_FRAME. And for complex curves, you will need 2 moving dots as start and finish, rules to predefine path for example Bezier, and bunch of helper methods to find points on path.Nicolas Siver
Seams like the line in your example image is following a sine curve! Can't you use this to get your points? ;)chadiik

1 Answers


As @NicolasSiver mentioned using an ENTER_FRAME is definitely an option when performing this kind of task. @Chadyk mentioned your curve does look like it's the sine curve. So one way you could implement this for some flexible adjustments:

Set some variables so you can adjust things like, radius, position, and size of the curve:

private var origin:Point;
private var degree:int;
private var curveSize:int = 25; //radius
private var curveLength:int = 200;

Then set it up with an ENTER_FRAME:

//set the origin to whatever you like, i'm choosing the center from the center of the curve
origin = new Point( stage.stageWidth/2 - curveLength/2, stage.stageHeight/2 );

//create our sprite     
sprite = new Sprite();
sprite.graphics.lineStyle( 2, 0xFF0000 );
sprite.graphics.moveTo( origin.x, origin.y );

//add the listener      
addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, drawCurve );

Then it's pretty straight forward, we will increment the degree/rotation, apply the basic trig function solving for the y position, and follow our origin as it moves along the x axis:

public function drawCurve( e:Event ):void {
    if ( origin.x >= origin.x + curveLength ) {
        removeEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, drawCurve );
    degree += 2;
    sprite.graphics.lineTo( ++origin.x, origin.y + curveSize * Math.sin( degree * Math.PI / 180 ) );