I get a link error when I include the boost/log header into source file.
Error 5 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class boost::system::error_category const & __cdecl boost::system::system_category(void)" (?system_category@system@boost@@YAAEBVerror_category@12@XZ) referenced in function "void __cdecl boost::system::`dynamic initializer for 'native_ecat''(void)" (??__Enative_ecat@system@boost@@YAXXZ) C:\Users\lukas\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\MyFilter\MyFilter\MyFilter.obj MyFilter
So there seems to be the problem that i didn't link the system library. However i set the link library include path to include the boost library. The file is
and is in D:\Program Files (x86)\boost_1_55_0\stage\lib - so that should work.
So why doesn't Visual Studio link it to the application? Or are there actually several boost system lib files It should have had compiled?
b2 --toolset=msvc-10.0 --build-type=complete stage
; (x64)b2 --toolset=msvc-10.0 --build-type=complete architecture=x86 address-model=64 stage
. I hope u get ahead. – Andre Hofmeister