
I try to import my old project to new SVN server (svn + web_dav+apache), but however I get some weird error while importing with tortoiseSVN.

Adding: C:\tmp\carpirate\test  
Adding: C:\tmp\carpirate\test\crawlerTestSuite  
Adding: C:\tmp\carpirate\test\crawlerTestSuite\TestP2p.java  
Adding: C:\tmp\carpirate\test\crawlerTestSuite\TestMessageHandler.java  
Adding: C:\tmp\carpirate\test\crawlerTestSuite\TestGui.java  
Adding: C:\tmp\carpirate\test\crawlerTestSuite\TestListener.java  
Adding: C:\tmp\carpirate\test\crawlerTestSuite\TestServerConnection.java  
Adding: C:\tmp\carpirate\test\crawlerTestSuite\TestCollectorMind.java  
Error: Could not open the requested SVN filesystem

I checked read/write permissions from repository (tried to set all to 777), but nothing works. Neither commit do the job.

Do you have any clues, what I'm missing?

What commands did you run to setup the repository? To check out a working copy?Sam Post
I set up repository with svnadmin create. I can check out with tortoise, but not commit. We use plesk to manage web sites, can it disturb svn connection in any way?p4553d
may be it is useful, in logs after couple of 201 for added files [07/Feb/2010:14:57:14 +0100] "PROPFIND /carpirate/!svn/wrk/fbe63b77-bc79-c444-bfd1-6316b0c5e78e/.classpath HTTP/1.1" 500 634 "-" "SVN/1.6.3 (r38063)/TortoiseSVN- neon/0.28.4"p4553d
please look into the error.log there should be more information about this server error (http-code 500)Peter Parker

3 Answers


If you are in a Plesk world..

Solution: Disable custom error docs for your domain. To do so, log in to Plesk, navigate to the domain and uncheck the "Custom error documents" box in hosting settings. Alternativ solution: Create a repo named error (or error_docs or whatever you find in the logs). see : http://pnpq.blogspot.com/2011/11/apache-svn-could-not-open-requested-svn.html?showComment=1324510115093#c5273051064616678938


We solved the problem, but the solution is a little bit messy and disappointing.

We moved repository parent to a path, with full read/write permissions for apache, authentication files were moved to apache configs, after all that it works.

I suspect it was matter to exclude plesk from webdav access.
