Here is my widget module:
app.module("Widget.MyWidget", function(MyWidget, app, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) {
this.on("start", function(el){
var that = this;
this.on("click", function(el){
this.renderWidget = function (id) {
var that = this;
var el = '#widget_' + id;
widgetModel = new app.Widget.MyWidget.models.meteo();
.fetch({ type: "GET" })
var widgetView = new that.views.widgetView({model:widgetModel, el : el});
and here is the Marionette view:
define(['hbs!modules/myWidget'],function (template) {
var meteoView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: template,
events: {
"dblclick" : "open",
"click" : "select",
"contextmenu .icon.doc" : "showMenu",
"click .show_notes" : "toggleNotes",
"click .title .lock" : "editAccessLevel",
"mouseover" : "showTooltip"
onShow: function(){
var view = this;
return meteoView;
Everything works perfectly: the model is loaded and populated with data, the view is rendered on screen with the data.
But, I cannot set any event on the view: I would like to attach a click event to the view: What do I do wrong ?