I am using ember to built a "wizard accordion".
Basically what I want is:
- an accordion which is always shown
- the accordion contains all the steps
- one step is active but it is also possibly to change the header of previous steps
- each step has its own model (e.g. Selecting from countries in first step, selecting from products in second)
- it should be possible to jump back and force between steps
- out of all the selections a central model is built which is sent to the server after the final step
- The number of steps is dynamic and sometimes certain steps are skipped
The architecture i thought about is have 3 outlets in the application template:
- {{previousSteps}}
- {{outlet}}
- {{nextSteps}}
and always rendering 3 templates in each Route. Each step would have it's own route and controller and the create action of each step would save the shared model to application controller and transition to the next step.
But I guess this solution is by far not the best. Does somebody have a better architecture for this? Especially how to structure the routes, controller and templates
Thank you
I am doing it the following way now. I appreciate any comments on my solution.
App.Router.map(function() {
this.resource('steps', { path: '/' });
App.StepsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return [
{ controllerName: 'countries', templateName: 'countries', items: this.store.find('country') },
{ controllerName: 'products', templateName: 'products', items: this.store.find('product') }
App.StepsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
currentStep: "countries",
transitionToStep: function(step) {
this.set('currentStep', step);
lookupItemController: function(modelObject) {
return modelObject.controllerName;
App.CountriesController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
needs: ['steps'],
currentStep: Ember.computed.oneWay('controllers.steps.currentStep'),
isExpanded: function() {
return "countries" === this.get('currentStep');
{{#each step in controller}}
<div {{bind-attr class=":step controller.isExpanded:expanded"}}>
{{view Ember.View templateName=step.templateName}}
I had to use ObjectController for Countries controller since using an ArrayController as itemController did not work