
I'm making UIViewController with UITableView on it. I would like this tableview to act like "Notes" default app (when you scroll table content is blurred under nav bar).

As far as I understand I must put my tableView BELOW Top Layout Guide. If I do it, content don't go under nav bar (because top layout guide is below nav bar).

If I put tableView above Top Layout Guide content "blurred" under nav bar and first table is hidden, and on iOs6 is upper part of tableview is hidden.

Should I manually set content offset based on iOS version? I can't use self.topLayoutGuide inside viewController as it was introduced only in iOs7.

View hierarchy

UINavigationController -> UiViewController
                            - UIView
                                - UITableView

Everything is built in storyboard


1 Answers


Since you are targeting more than OS version, then I think you should handle your UI depending on the OS version.

So, yes, I do recommend setting self.topLayoutGuide within your code depending on the OS version.