I read in a comment to this answer and in many other questions about scheduling (sorry, no references) that java.util.Timer
is deprecated. I really hope not since I'm using it as the light way to schedule things in Java (and it works nicely). But if it's deprecated, I'll look elsewhere. However, a quick look at the API docs for 1.6 doesn't say anything about it being deprecated. It's not even mentioned in Sun's Deprecated List.
Is it officially deprecated* and if so, what should I use instead?
* On the other hand, if it's not deprecated, could people stop badmouthing this innocent and brilliantly-implemented set-o-classes?
is far from brilliantly written. It's inflexible and difficult to write testable code around.ScheduledExecutorService
is better in every measurable way. – skaffmanScheduledExecutorService
is as lightweight asTimer
. It's just a thin wrapper onObject.wait(long)
... what about Scheduled...? – Dan Rosenstarkjava.util.concurrent
stuff (includingScheduledExecutorService
) has been designed for extremely high throughput, whichTimer
never was. – skaffman