
I am trying to build libCurl x64 on Windows 8.1 x64 and I am having linker errors. I need to be able to do this as I need to create a 64 bit debug version of the library so that I can trace some strange FTP related protocol issues I am encountering.

The fundamental error output (trimmed for brevity) is as follows

1>------ Build started: Project: ZERO_CHECK, Configuration: Debug x64


2>C:\Users\jcoffey\main\extlibs\curl-7.35.0\lib\smtp.c(2174): warning C4267: '+=' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'long', possible loss of data 2> pingpong.c 2> rtsp.c 2> curl_threads.c 2> warnless.c 2> hmac.c 2> curl_rtmp.c 2> openldap.c 2> curl_gethostname.c 2> gopher.c 2> Generating Code... 2> Compiling... 2> idn_win32.c 2> http_negotiate_sspi.c 2> http_proxy.c 2> non-ascii.c 2> asyn-ares.c 2> asyn-thread.c 2> curl_gssapi.c 2> curl_ntlm.c 2> curl_ntlm_wb.c 2> curl_ntlm_core.c 2> curl_ntlm_msgs.c 2> curl_sasl.c 2> curl_multibyte.c 2> hostcheck.c 2> bundles.c 2> conncache.c 2> pipeline.c 2> dotdot.c 2> x509asn1.c 2> http2.c 2> Generating Code... 2> Compiling... 2> openssl.c 2> gtls.c 2> vtls.c 2> nss.c 2> qssl.c 2> polarssl.c 2> polarssl_threadlock.c 2> axtls.c 2> cyassl.c 2> curl_schannel.c 2> curl_darwinssl.c 2> gskit.c 2> Generating Code...


2>x64\Debug\file.obj : fatal error LNK1112: module machine type 'x64' conflicts with target machine type 'X86' 3>------ Build started: Project: curl, Configuration: Debug x64 ------ 3> Building Custom Rule C:/Users/jcoffey/main/extlibs/curl-7.35.0/src/CMakeLists.txt

Please help - I have searched the forums and stackoverflow for something similar but to no avail. I was able to successfully build in x86 (win32) mode but I am having linkage errors when I target x64.

Step 1: Download latest CMake & update the Windows PATH environment (in my case I am using the MINMGW32 bash shell prompt, but I get exactly the same linkage problems if I use the native visual studio 2013 x64 shell to run cmake from)

$ export PATH=$PATH:/c/Program\ Files\ (x86)/CMake\ 2.8/bin

verify that the path and version of Cmake on windows

$ cmake --version cmake version

Step 2: extract curl-7.35.0 into a folder c:\temp\curl-7.35.0" and make a parallel folder "c:\temp\curl-7.35.0\build".

Step 3: Change into the build folder and run Cmake targeting "Visual Studio 12" as the desired Visual Studio Solution/project combination to create

$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 12" ../curl-7.35.0

This produces a ton of output as follows, but it does also create a workable visual studio solution targeted for a machine type X86.

$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 12" ../curl-7.35.0 -- The C compiler identification is MSVC 18.0.21005.1 -- Check for working C compiler using: Visual Studio 12 -- Check for working C compiler using: Visual Studio 12 -- works -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:47 (message): the curl cmake build system is poorly maintained. Be aware

-- curl version=[7.35.0] -- Looking for getch in ws2_32; -- Looking for getch in ws2_32; - found -- Looking for getch in winmm;ws2_32 -- Looking for getch in winmm;ws2_32 - found -- Looking for cldap_open in wldap32 -- Looking for cldap_open in wldap32 - found -- Looking for idna_to_ascii_lz in idn;winmm;ws2_32 -- Looking for idna_to_ascii_lz in idn;winmm;ws2_32 - not found -- Looking for ldap_init in ldap;winmm;ws2_32 -- Looking for ldap_init in ldap;winmm;ws2_32 - not found -- Could NOT find OpenSSL, try to set the path to OpenSSL root folder in the sys tem variable OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR (missing: OPENSSL_LIBRARIES OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR)

-- Looking for include file ws2tcpip.h -- Looking for include file ws2tcpip.h - found -- Looking for include files ws2tcpip.h, winsock2.h -- Looking for include files ws2tcpip.h, winsock2.h - found -- Looking for 3 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., stdio.h -- Looking for 3 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., stdio.h - found -- Looking for 4 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., windows.h -- Looking for 4 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., windows.h - found -- Looking for 5 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., winsock.h -- Looking for 5 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., winsock.h - found -- Looking for 6 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., sys/filio.h -- Looking for 6 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., sys/filio.h - not found -- Looking for 6 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., sys/ioctl.h -- Looking for 6 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., sys/ioctl.h - not found -- Looking for 6 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., sys/resource.h -- Looking for 6 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., sys/resource.h - not found -- Looking for 8 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., sys/uio.h -- Looking for 8 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., sys/uio.h - not found -- Looking for 8 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., sys/un.h -- Looking for 8 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., sys/un.h - not found -- Looking for 9 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., arpa/tftp.h -- Looking for 9 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., arpa/tftp.h - not found -- Looking for 9 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., assert.h -- Looking for 9 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., assert.h - found -- Looking for 10 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., crypto.h -- Looking for 10 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., crypto.h - not found -- Looking for 10 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., des.h -- Looking for 10 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., des.h - not found -- Looking for 10 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., err.h -- Looking for 10 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., err.h - not found -- Looking for 10 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., errno.h -- Looking for 10 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., errno.h - found -- Looking for 12 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., gssapi/gssapi.h -- Looking for 12 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., gssapi/gssapi.h - not found -- Looking for 12 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., gssapi/gssapi_generic.h -- Looking for 12 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., gssapi/gssapi_generic.h - not f ound -- Looking for 12 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., gssapi/gssapi_krb5.h -- Looking for 12 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., gssapi/gssapi_krb5.h - not foun d -- Looking for 12 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., idn-free.h -- Looking for 12 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., idn-free.h - not found -- Looking for 12 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., ifaddrs.h -- Looking for 12 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., ifaddrs.h - not found -- Looking for 13 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., krb.h -- Looking for 13 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., krb.h - not found -- Looking for 13 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., libgen.h -- Looking for 13 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., libgen.h - not found -- Looking for 13 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., libssh2.h -- Looking for 13 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., libssh2.h - not found -- Looking for 13 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., limits.h -- Looking for 13 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., limits.h - found -- Looking for 14 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., locale.h -- Looking for 14 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., locale.h - found -- Looking for 15 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., netinet/tcp.h -- Looking for 15 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., netinet/tcp.h - not found -- Looking for 15 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., pem.h -- Looking for 15 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., pem.h - not found -- Looking for 15 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., poll.h -- Looking for 15 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., poll.h - not found -- Looking for 15 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., rsa.h -- Looking for 15 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., rsa.h - not found -- Looking for 17 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., ssl.h -- Looking for 17 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., ssl.h - not found -- Looking for 17 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., stdbool.h -- Looking for 17 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., stdbool.h - found -- Looking for 21 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., stropts.h -- Looking for 21 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., stropts.h - not found -- Looking for 22 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., tld.h -- Looking for 22 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., tld.h - not found -- Looking for 23 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., stddef.h -- Looking for 23 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., stddef.h - found -- Looking for 26 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., ldap.h -- Looking for 26 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., ldap.h - not found -- Looking for 26 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., sys/utsname.h -- Looking for 26 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., sys/utsname.h - not found -- Looking for 26 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., idna.h -- Looking for 26 include files ws2tcpip.h, ..., idna.h - not found -- LDAP_H not found CURL_DISABLE_LDAP set ON -- LDAP needs to be enabled to support LDAPS -- Check size of size_t -- Check size of size_t - done -- Check size of ssize_t -- Check size of ssize_t - failed -- Check size of long long -- Check size of long long - done -- Check size of long -- Check size of long - done -- Check size of short -- Check size of short - done -- Check size of int -- Check size of int - done -- Check size of __int64 -- Check size of __int64 - done -- Check size of time_t -- Check size of time_t - done -- Looking for basename -- Looking for basename - not found -- Looking for strncmpi -- Looking for strncmpi - not found -- Looking for alarm -- Looking for alarm - not found -- Looking for CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data -- Looking for CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data - not found -- Looking for gethostbyname -- Looking for gethostbyname - found -- Looking for strtoll -- Looking for strtoll - found -- Looking for _strtoi64 -- Looking for _strtoi64 - found -- Looking for strerror_r -- Looking for strerror_r - not found -- Looking for siginterrupt -- Looking for siginterrupt - not found -- Looking for fork -- Looking for fork - not found -- Looking for freeaddrinfo -- Looking for freeaddrinfo - found -- Looking for freeifaddrs -- Looking for freeifaddrs - not found -- Looking for pipe -- Looking for pipe - not found -- Looking for ftruncate -- Looking for ftruncate - not found -- Looking for getprotobyname -- Looking for getprotobyname - found -- Looking for getrlimit -- Looking for getrlimit - not found -- Looking for idn_free -- Looking for idn_free - not found -- Looking for idna_strerror -- Looking for idna_strerror - not found -- Looking for tld_strerror -- Looking for tld_strerror - not found -- Looking for setlocale -- Looking for setlocale - found -- Looking for setrlimit -- Looking for setrlimit - not found -- Looking for fcntl -- Looking for fcntl - not found -- Looking for ioctl -- Looking for ioctl - not found -- Looking for setsockopt -- Looking for setsockopt - found -- Looking for inet_pton -- Looking for inet_pton - not found -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FCNTL_O_NONBLOCK -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FCNTL_O_NONBLOCK - Failed -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET - Success -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL - Failed -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL_FIONBIO -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_CAMEL_FIONBIO - Success -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_FIONBIO -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTLSOCKET_FIONBIO - Success -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_FIONBIO -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_FIONBIO - Failed -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_SIOCGIFADDR -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_IOCTL_SIOCGIFADDR - Failed -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_SETSOCKOPT_SO_NONBLOCK -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_SETSOCKOPT_SO_NONBLOCK - Failed -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN6_SIN6_SCOPE_ID -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_SOCKADDR_IN6_SIN6_SCOPE_ID - Failed -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_SOCKLEN_T -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_SOCKLEN_T - Success -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BOOL_T -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_BOOL_T - Success -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FILE_OFFSET_BITS -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_FILE_OFFSET_BITS - Failed -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_GLIBC_STRERROR_R -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_GLIBC_STRERROR_R - Failed -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_POSIX_STRERROR_R -- Performing Curl Test HAVE_POSIX_STRERROR_R - Failed -- Check size of curl_off_t -- Check size of curl_off_t - failed -- Check size of socklen_t -- Check size of socklen_t - done -- Performing Test curl_cv_recv -- Performing Test curl_cv_recv - Success -- Performing Test int recv(int, void *, size_t, int) (curl_cv_func_recv_test) -- Performing Test int recv(int, void *, size_t, int) (curl_cv_func_recv_test) - Success -- Performing Test curl_cv_send -- Performing Test curl_cv_send - Success -- Performing Test int send(int, const void *, size_t, int) (curl_cv_func_send_t est) -- Performing Test int send(int, const void *, size_t, int) (curl_cv_func_send_t est) - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_MSG_NOSIGNAL -- Performing Test HAVE_MSG_NOSIGNAL - Failed -- Performing Test HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL -- Performing Test HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_POLL_FINE -- Performing Test HAVE_POLL_FINE - Failed -- Check size of sig_atomic_t -- Check size of sig_atomic_t - done -- Performing Test HAVE_SIG_ATOMIC_T_NOT_VOLATILE -- Performing Test HAVE_SIG_ATOMIC_T_NOT_VOLATILE - Success -- Check size of struct sockaddr_storage -- Check size of struct sockaddr_storage - failed CMake Warning (dev) at tests/CMakeLists.txt:1 (add_subdirectory): The source directory


does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file.

CMake does not support this case but it used to work accidentally and is being allowed for compatibility.

Policy CMP0014 is not set: Input directories must have CMakeLists.txt. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0014" for policy details. Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning. This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning (dev) at tests/CMakeLists.txt:2 (add_subdirectory):
The source directory


does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file.

CMake does not support this case but it used to work accidentally and is being allowed for compatibility.

Policy CMP0014 is not set: Input directories must have CMakeLists.txt. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0014" for policy details. Use the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning. This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

-- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: C:/Users/jcoffey/main/extlibs/curl-7.35.0-build

Step 4: Within Visual Studio change the target type to x64 using the configuration manager (where I had to select a new platform and I selected X64 and copied the settings from Win32). This is a pretty straight forward step that is used to target an X64 machine target, so as not to confuse, I have not included the step by step details here.

Step 5 Select the solution and rebuild all from Visual Studio 2013 and the output above will ensue.

Side note: Although I do not really need SSL for now, it would be nice to know how to tell CMake where the location of the LIBSSL things are located (I downloaded a package of pre-built libraries (both 32 and 64 bit including the SSL and other libraries) from http://www.confusedbycode.com/curl/, however these are release mode and I need to be able to debug libCurl to see what is going on with some strange problems I am encountering. I am a newbie when it comes to configuring CMake however it looks to be a really promising tool for those of us that target multiple platforms but prefer to develop on windows. It certainly is easier than the gnu autotools.

Within Visual Studio change the target type to x64 using the configuration manager in this case you need to use Visual Studio 12 Win64 generatoruser2288008
Read my complete posting, from step 4, you can see I already tried that and I am getting the problem: fatal error LNK1112: module machine type 'x64' conflicts with target machine type 'X86'johnco3
Visual Studio 12 and Visual Studio 12 Win64 is different generators. AFAIK you can't generate project with Visual Studio 12 and switch to x64. Try cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64" ../curl-7.35.0user2288008
Well Done, that actually worked, I never realized that I could append the "Win64" string to the generator string. Thanks - very useful, now the next challenge will be tackling the OPENSSL_LIBRARIES OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR - but I suspect that is not going to be difficult (although I will need to make sure that these libraries are also built in Win64). Thanks againjohnco3

4 Answers


The trick for building 64-bit libcurl with on a clean x64 / Win 8.1 / VS2013 box is to first run the Visual Studio vcvars.bat batch file with the "amd64" argument. This sets up the make environment properly.

Then you can run the "nmake..." command as outlined in winbuild\BUILD.WINDOWS.txt.


It looks like the CMake generated solution file was not expecting X64 as a potential target. I found a slight variant on the problem here.

enter link description here

This is a pic of the X64 Command Line Options - as you can see after I changed the configuration manager to use X64 the

Command Line - Additional Options uses incorrect machine 'X86'

Command Line - Additional Options manually changed machine to 'X64'

After making these changes the project finally linked and I was able to generate a debug version of the library.


I had the same problem (module machine type 'x64' conflicts with target machine type 'X86') when building CURL from command line in the folder "curl-7.40.0\winbuild" as described by the file "BUILD.WINDOWS.txt" there. I used the following command line: nmake /f Makefile.vc mode=dll ENABLE_WINSSL=no ENABLE_IDN=no GEN_PDB=yes ENABLE_SSPI=no MACHINE=x64 DEBUG=no. It specifies "Using the Visual Studio command prompt Shell", but ... there are more of them: "Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt" does not work, "Visual Studio 2005 x64 Win64 Command Prompt" does (for 64-bit). It worked for me with Visual Studio 2005, but they say it only needs "Platform SDK".


Place this script in Curl's source directory (I name it winbuild.bat) and run it if you don't need the curl project to compile with the rest of your solution:

CALL "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin\amd64\vcvars64.bat"
CD winbuild
nmake /f Makefile.vc mode=dll WITH_DEVEL=..\..\dll64 VC=12 WITH_SSL=dll GEN_PDB=yes MACHINE=X64
CD ..