
My purpose is to provide a widget in which I can display an image, click anywhere on this image and display where I clicked. To do this I used Qt's image viewer example. I simply added a method to draw on the pixmap when I click :

void drawGCP(int x, int y)
    // paint on a "clean" pixmap and display it
    // origPixmap is the pixmap with nothing drawn on it
    paintedPixmap = origPixmap.copy();  
    QPainter painter(&paintedPixmap);
    painter.drawLine(x - lineLength, y, x+lineLength, y);
    painter.drawLine(x, y - lineLength, x, y + lineLength);

It works perfectly fine. The problem comes when I zoom in. The label is resized, and I don't know how, some sort of blur is added to the image. Which is what I want. But, the cross that I draw is also blurred, and the lines are several screen-pixels wide. I want the cross to be always 1-pixel wide.

I tried to do the same thing with a QGraphicsView and QGraphicsPixmapItem. QGraphicsView has a built-in zoom, but here the blur is not applied.

How can I draw 1-pixel wide lines over a QPixmap displayed by a zoomable QLabel ?

update: Here is how I call drawGCP :

void ImageGCPPicker::scaleImage(double factor)
    scaleFactor *= factor;
    if (scaleFactor < MIN_ZOOM)
        scaleFactor /= factor;
    if (scaleFactor > MAX_ZOOM) 
        scaleFactor /= factor;

    horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(int(factor * horizontalScrollBar()->value() + ((factor - 1) * horizontalScrollBar()->pageStep()/2)));
    verticalScrollBar()->setValue(int(factor * verticalScrollBar()->value() + ((factor - 1) * verticalScrollBar()->pageStep()/2)));

    label->resize(scaleFactor * label->pixmap()->size());
    drawGCP(GCPPos.x(), GCPPos.y());

As you can see I draw the cross after the scaling is done.

draw the cross after zoom.UmNyobe
@UmNyobe Maybe it is that simple. But I don't see how to do it differently from what I do. Can you take a look at my update please ?undu

1 Answers


The issue is that you are painting your cross then zooming, when you should zoom then painting.


will scale paintedPixmap, with your cross already painted on the pixmap. You can modify drawGCP as follow:

  1. create a paintedPixmap with the label dimension
  2. Adjust the position int x, int y using the scale factor
  3. Paint the cross on paintedPixmap with the new coordinates.


void drawGCP(int x, int y, double factor)
    //redundant with factor
    bool resizeneeded = (label->size() != origPixmap(size));
    paintedPixmap = resizeneeded ? origPixmap.scaled(label->size()) : origPixmap.copy() ;  
    QPainter painter(&paintedPixmap);

    //adjust the coordinates (can be done when passing parameters)
    x *= factor;
    y *= factor;
    painter.drawLine(x - lineLength, y, x+lineLength, y);
    painter.drawLine(x, y - lineLength, x, y + lineLength);

    //will not scale pixmap internally