My purpose is to provide a widget in which I can display an image, click anywhere on this image and display where I clicked. To do this I used Qt's image viewer example. I simply added a method to draw on the pixmap when I click :
void drawGCP(int x, int y)
// paint on a "clean" pixmap and display it
// origPixmap is the pixmap with nothing drawn on it
paintedPixmap = origPixmap.copy();
QPainter painter(&paintedPixmap);
painter.drawLine(x - lineLength, y, x+lineLength, y);
painter.drawLine(x, y - lineLength, x, y + lineLength);
It works perfectly fine. The problem comes when I zoom in. The label is resized, and I don't know how, some sort of blur is added to the image. Which is what I want. But, the cross that I draw is also blurred, and the lines are several screen-pixels wide. I want the cross to be always 1-pixel wide.
I tried to do the same thing with a QGraphicsView and QGraphicsPixmapItem. QGraphicsView has a built-in zoom, but here the blur is not applied.
How can I draw 1-pixel wide lines over a QPixmap displayed by a zoomable QLabel ?
update: Here is how I call drawGCP :
void ImageGCPPicker::scaleImage(double factor)
scaleFactor *= factor;
if (scaleFactor < MIN_ZOOM)
scaleFactor /= factor;
if (scaleFactor > MAX_ZOOM)
scaleFactor /= factor;
horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(int(factor * horizontalScrollBar()->value() + ((factor - 1) * horizontalScrollBar()->pageStep()/2)));
verticalScrollBar()->setValue(int(factor * verticalScrollBar()->value() + ((factor - 1) * verticalScrollBar()->pageStep()/2)));
label->resize(scaleFactor * label->pixmap()->size());
drawGCP(GCPPos.x(), GCPPos.y());
As you can see I draw the cross after the scaling is done.