
anyone know how to use search bar in Mail application using AppleScript? I want to automate the process of searching subject(instead of search entire message) using search bar in Mail application. Since i want to search all the mailboxes(except inbox, there are other smart mailboxes), i cannot use the common way, which is set the mailbox then go through all the messages inside. Thanks for your help.


2 Answers


You can use a technique called GUI scripting, it enables you to directly address ui widgets and perform actions with them.

Give this script a try: (changing the search text to what you need)

activate application "Mail"

tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Mail"
        tell window 1

            set search_text_field to text field 1 of the last group of tool bar 1

            tell search_text_field
                set the value of attribute "AXValue" to "subject:congratulations"
                key code 36 -- press RETURN key
            end tell

        end tell
    end tell
end tell

(It works for me on 10.7, may not on more recent OS)


For me, this did not work in Yosemite. I used this workaround:

activate application "Mail"

tell application "System Events"

    tell process "Mail"

        tell window 1

            keystroke "f" using {command down, option down}

            keystroke *your variable* as string

        end tell

    end tell
end tell