I'm integrating Google Analytics for iOS into my iPhone app.
The main part of my app consists of a user swiping through a bunch of travel highlights (using a UIPageViewController).
In the UIViewControllers (inherit from GAITrackedViewController) that get fed to the UIPVC, I set the screenName
and set values for custom dimensions:
// viewDidLoad
self.screenName = @"Highlight Detail";
// viewDidAppear
id<GAITracker> tracker = [[GAI sharedInstance] defaultTracker];
[tracker set:[GAIFields customDimensionForIndex:1] value:self.highlight.city];
GA is accurately counting each swipe as a separate screen view, but it's counting all of my swipes as just one unique screen view.
What do I need to do so that every time my UIPageViewController loads a UIViewController, GA marks that as a unique screen view. If the user navigates back to a screen that has already been loaded, I'm ok with that not counting as unique, but if it's their first time browsing to a particular travel highlight screen, I want it to count as unique.