I'm using the Doctrine2 master/slave configuration in Symfony2 to scale my application across a single master database and several read-only (replicated) slaves.
This works perfectly from within my application and Doctrine2 sensibly uses the slave for read-only queries and the master for write operations.
If in one of my controllers, I wrote:
$em = $this->get('doctrine')->getManager();
returns false
- which I would expect since the slave is connected to by default.
This is also the case if I run this code inside a WebTestCase
However if I wrote the exact same code inside a Symfony console command (ContainerAwareCommand):
$em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();
returns true. Which means the master is selected as the default.
I can't find out how to stop the default connection being master from console commands. Which means if I want to run some non-critical, heavy data processing tasks from the console - they all hit the master (bad) not one of the slaves (good).
Anyone know how I can make Doctrine2 use the slave by default from the console? Or know why it always defaults to the master?
ANSWERED: Thanks to nifr who set me on the right course - I found that my problem was because I was using JMS\JobQueueBundle (which replaces the Application used by app/console with an altered one which must connect to the MasterSlaveConnection in a way which forces the "master" to be chosen). When I commented out the
use JMS\JobQueueBundle\Console\Application;
in app/console
, the slave was correctly selected in my console test.