I load follow XML in a XSL Variable
<documents lang="en">
<documents lang="de">
Now I like to filter the documents with the attribute lang="de" for and all invoice elements.
<xsl:variable name="documents" select="document('documents.xml')/files/documents" />
<xsl:variable name="documentName" select="'Invoice'" />
select="$documents[@lang='de' and name() = $documentName]"/>
<xsl:template mode="filter" match="entrys[@lang] | *">
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
of course is not working is should be like this
select="$documents[@lang='de' and */name() = $documentName]"/>
but this give me an syntax error.
So may someone can help me with an idea.
EDIT Before 'Invoice' was hard coded in the filter.
I have add that
Thanks in advance.
– Joel M. Lamsen