You certainly can define a data property which is an array of simple values (e.g., an array of integers). You can also define a property which is an array of "complex types" (as Breeze understands the word).
These are array data properties. They are not collection navigation properties. If you want to use them to acquire and present their implied related entities, you'll have to manage that yourself.
You didn't tell us how you are storing the data on the server. It appears that you are not using a relational database because an RDB doesn't support array properties. A document database (e.g, MongoDb) DOES.
That's OK from a Breeze perspective. But it is important for us to ask and understand what you're doing if we are to provide appropriate help.
Your question reminds me that our documentation doesn't cover array data properties. The "zza-node-mongo" sample does illustrate array properties in metadata created by hand.
Here is an example from that metadata definition of an array of integer FK ids which is what you seek, right?
Here is an example of an array of complex types that is not a navigation property.
This metadata sample relies on the "metadata-helper" in Breeze Labs. That's why you see hasMany: true
which is an alias for the actual Breeze metadata equivalent, isScalar: false