I've pored over the capybara cheat sheet, a many SO posts, trying all the options to find a unique class for a div, compare its text to a value but it cannot find this class. There are several values but it ought to be finding them but coming up invalid.
page.find(:css, "item_hiscore "+"item-#{@item_2.id} "+"small-6 "+"columns", :visible => true).text == ("/ " + "#{@item_2.high_score}")
yields =>
Failure/Error: page.find(:css, "item_hiscore "+"item-#{@item_2.id} "+
"small-6 "+"columns", :visible => true).text == ("/ " + "#{@item_2.high_score}")
Unable to find css "item_hiscore item-2 small-6 columns"
The page source is:
<div class="item_hiscore item-2 small-6 columns">
/ 10
Should I paste in my previous efforts to show all the options I've tried? Thanks for your time, sam