
I am getting a trouble in showing my graph on networkX.

I extract some corner-points from a picture given in input and save the corner-points as node of a graph in NetworkX. The node contains the (x,y) positions of the corner-points as they are retrieved. I show then the graph placing the nodes at their exact (x,y) position. However, when I show the graph using nx.draw() the graph shows the shape retrieved in the picture all the way around.

Here is some code for you to understand:

pe = nx.Graph()
pe.add_node('p1', posxy=(ap[0][0], ap[0][1]))
pe.add_node('p2', posxy=(ap[1][0], ap[1][2]))
pe.add_node('p3', posxy=(ap[2][0], ap[2][3]))
pe.add_node('p4', posxy=(ap[3][0], ap[3][4]))
pe.add_node('p5', posxy=(ap[4][0], ap[4][5]))
positions = nx.get_node_attributes(pe,'posxy')
nx.draw(pe, positions, node_size=500)

where posxy=(ap[0][0], ap[0][1]) is the position in the plane of the found corner-point. The corner-points are saved in a list ap.

Here is the picture of the shape retrieved:

enter image description here

and this the shown graph:

enter image description here

Why is the output shown all the way aroud? How can I rotate the graph in a way that resembles the initial shape detected?

This little change worked. Thank you so much.Francesco Sgaramella

1 Answers


Your NetworkX plot is a vertical reflection of the plot you are trying to mimic. To fix this, for each y coordinate, use height - y where height is the height of your figure.