Following is my Cassandra table structure.
AdvertisementId | Ad_Language | Ad_Caption | Others
A01(UUID) | EN_US (text)| englishCaption (text) | Other Info(text)
A01(UUID) | FR_CA (text)| French Caption (text) | Other Info (text)
Primary key is (AdvertisementId, Ad_Language);
I am using java to integrate with Cassandra. There is a Java API call to fetch List<advertisements>
Is there a possiblity to fetch the rows like
Query : select * from ad_details orderBy advertisementId;
(Unfortunately I cannot specify a col_name that will be used in WHERE or In clause)
I cannot have advertisement Id as cluster key as I need to maintain the UUID as partition key of the composite primary key in Cassandra.
The following query works: Select * from ad_details where advertisementId=xxx orderBy language ASC;
Can someone please help me in carrying out the orderBy advertisementId?