I updated my site from Magento 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 and now the checkout process won't proceed after choosing a shipping method. Can someone please advise on this matter?
I updated my site from Magento 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 and now the checkout process won't proceed after choosing a shipping method. Can someone please advise on this matter?
Solved. In the checkout.xml file of our template, we had to make the following change (change the methods.html file to info.html) The new base template could not override this line and therefore the checkout-payment-method-load div was not writtten. See here: https://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/10984/magneto-v1-8-one-page-checkout-not-loading-payment-information
I just copied the checkout.xml file from app/design/frontend/default/modern/layout/checkout.xml and overwrote the one in our custom directory app/design/frontend/YourName/default/layout with that one, and it fixed the problem. Same with the "white page" PayPal issue. If you have a paypal/ folder in the template folder of your custom skin you also need to replace that with the default one I guess for the paypal issue.