
I've read this article (http://welcometothebundle.com/symfony2-rest-api-the-best-2013-way/) to build my system REST API with Symfony2. Following the guide, i no longer use Symfony2 Form as web form but only 2 main job: map data into Entity and Validation. In my view, i'm using AngularJS to call REST API with the help from its good built-in services.

In my case, I want to update my entity, AngularJS will get JSON data which serialized from entity and set back to $scope.object to bind to form. For example:

    email: "[email protected]"
    id: 22
    party: {
        lastName: Gates,
        firstName: Bill

Make some change then send $scope.object to update route with PUT method, I will use Symfony2 form and submit this data, but Symfony2 form validation keep throwing exception This form should not contain extra fields.. I know id field is not a form field but don't know how to make Symfony to ignore all these extra fields. Can you help me?

The form param name given in Symfony form doesn't match the field name of JSON. Symfony form usually have myform[email] myform[id]. So the form handler won't catch the correct field name but putting those to extra fields. BTW, I'm working in an org developing on top of AngularJS + Symfony2. In our app, When we want to POST /some_url, we use JSON de-serialization provided by JMSSerializerBundle. You can take a look on that :)Marco

3 Answers


If the id field is not a form field, then you can add that to your form but add it as a non-mapped field (i.e. it doesn't relate to a property on the entity):

$builder->add('id', 'hidden', array('mapped' => false));

From Symfony version 2.6 you can use new form option allow_extra_fields (accepted pull request). 2.6 release is planned on 11/2014 but you can use it already (in composer.json):

"symfony/symfony": "2.6.*@dev"

There are two solutions:

  1. You can unset the field id and modify the request data before you pass the data array to the form, so that it fits to your form. In your case I assume it must be:

    $data = $request->request->all(); // get all posted data
    $data['party'] = $data['party']['id'];
  2. You can add the field to your form type or to the form builder and set the mapped-option to false, so that Symfony does not try to map it to your entity. Like @JamesHalsall already mentioned.