
i'm very new to mule esb. I have some question after try mule.

1.how can i run mule project by Tomcat? (I've try this issue but seem not working : http://www.mulesoft.org/documentation/display/current/Deploying+Mule+as+a+Service+to+Tomcat) I have error when I starting tomcat like something was wrong.

2.How can I packing mule project to .war? ,I see that my editor(sts) don't think that mule application is a web application but the file path of mule application seem to be similar to maven generate project so... I don't know.

I use mule version 3.4.0

thank you,


1 Answers


First of all, you should use the Mule Standalone, if you can. If you really need to use Tomcat, I suggest you package all the Mule dependencies into the application war with Maven, and not try to work with the jars manually. See the answer by David Dossot here and an example Maven project here. Note that the example project uses Mule 3.1.2, so you probably want to update it a bit.