The "remove" event from jQuery works fine, without addition. It might be more reliable in time to use a simple trick, instead of patching jQuery.
Just modify or add an attribute in the element you are about to remove from the DOM. Thus, you can trigger any update function, that will just ignore elements on way to be destroyed, with the attribute "do_not_count_it".
Suppose we have a table with cells corresponding to prices, and that you need to show only the last price:
This is the selector to trigger when a price cell is deleted (we have a button in each line of the table doing that, not shown here)
$('td[validity="count_it"]').on("remove", function () {
And here is a function that finds the last price in the table, not taking account of the last one, if it was the one that was removed. Indeed, when the "remove" event is triggered, and when this function is called, the element is not removed yet.
function update_prices(){
var mytable=$("#pricestable");
var lastpricecell = mytable.find('td[validity="count_it"]').last();
In the end, the update_prices() function works fine, and after that, the DOM element is removed.