
I am trying to create a parser using antlr3 and I have problems using java classes from the same project.

I have built a second project, added the maven dependency and the import in the header and lexer:::header of my grammar and everything works OK.

But I want to be able to have everything in one project.

Do I have to include something in my .pom or my grammar headers to get that to work? I tried putting the import in the headers but that did not work. Any ideas?

Currently I have these in my pom:



                    <id>run antlr</id>




I also include the first line of my grammar. The lines in comments are the ones that I use when I get it to work with a second project containing my custom classes:

grammar GCQLParser;

@header {
    package gr.uoa.di.madgik.search.parser.gcqlparser;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import gr.uoa.di.madgik.search.parser.gcqlparser.tree.*;
    //import search.library.util.cql.query.tree.*;
@lexer::header {
    package gr.uoa.di.madgik.search.parser.gcqlparser;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import gr.uoa.di.madgik.search.parser.gcqlparser.tree.*;
    //import search.library.util.cql.query.tree.*;

And here is a rule that uses custom classes:

booleanOp returns[GCQLBooleanNode node]
: AND  { $node = new GCQLAndNode(); }
| OR   { $node = new GCQLOrNode(); } 
| NOT  { $node = new GCQLNotNode(); }
| PROX { $node = new GCQLProxNode(); }
What is your maven configuration? How do you create the java classes for the grammar? (antlr script or through maven?)Absurd-Mind
I added parts of my .pom, and I use maven to create the parser/lexer filesPanagiotis
and please describe the "not working"-part a bit better. Is there an error when you execute mvn compile?Absurd-Mind
No. Just a hint to make your build simpler.khmarbaise
Yes, it is possible. The ANTLR 3, ANTLR 4, StringTemplate 3, and StringTemplate 4 projects all use parsers generated for grammars within the same project without problems.Sam Harwell

1 Answers


Maybe you are missing the @header declaration

example grammar.g:

@header {
    package test.grammar;

    import test.other.*;

@header::lexer {
    package test.grammar;

@members {
     public void test() {
          new TestClass(); // test.other.TestClass

make sure your pom.xml contains the following:



EDIT: If you are using antlr3-maven-plugin you need at least a 3.1 antlr runtime