In the latest version of Grails, 2.3.5, I am trying to use the plugin compass-sass.
So, I put the following in my build.groovy file. compile ":compass-sass:0.7"
And, I add the following into the "Arguments" when running my example app. PATH=C:\jruby-1.7.4\bin
All I should have to do here is run the app and it should work. I know, cause I have it going on Grails 2.1.1.
What happens is, the app runs and there is no mention of compass at all. I should see the following in the grails console "Executing: jruby -S compass watch --sass-dir ./src/scss --css-dir ./web-app/css/local --output-style nested --images-dir web-app/images --relative-assets"
Anybody any ideas?
By the way, I have JRuby installed and compass is installed in JRuby.