Is there a way to get result of $addToSet as sorted array ?
I tried to expand the pipeline and $unwind the array, sort it and group it again , but still the result isn't sorted.
The arrays are pretty big and i try to avoid sort them in the the application.
Document Example : { "_id" : ObjectId("52a84825cc8391ab188b4567"), "id" : 129624 "message" : "Sample", "date" : "12-09-2013,17:34:34", "dt" : ISODate("2013-12-09T17:34:34.000Z"), }
Query :
db.uEvents.aggregate( [ {$match : {dt : {$gte : new Date(2014,01,01) , $lt : new Date(2015,01,17)}}} ,{$sort : {dt : 1}} , {$group : { _id : { id : "$id" , year : {'$year' : "$dt"} , month : {'$month' : "$dt"} , day : {'$dayOfMonth' : "$dt"} } ,dt : {$addToSet : "$dt"} }} ] );