Up until now, I have been using just the Mirror API. I have started going through Google's docs on the "Sneak Peek" version of the GDK so that I can begin building a bit more complex apps.
Now here's where I am having an issue. I see that as a developer, I can take the standard Android approach and create an Activity, give it a layout, create a few options on the menu, and take this basic approach.
Alternatively, it appears there's a separate API for creating "Cards" - Static, Live, Immersions. Now with this approach, there's the TimelineManager class for displaying these cards. There's also the CardScrollView which I can use along with a CardScrollAdapter to create my own "Timeline" within my Glassware. Is this correct? Why would I use one here vs. the other?
I'd like to create an app that the user enters and then see's an initial screen where they can tap to drill down or swipe their finger to scroll horizontally to the next screen (or Card rather). So here, I believe I would use the CardScrollAdapter along with the CardScrollView, determine which screen the user is on when they tap on the Glass, and then start a new activity that shows additional cards in another CardScrollView/CardScrollAdapter or whatever - depending on whatever it is I want to do -
I'm just wanting to ask if I am on the right track or if my understanding is completely wrong.