
I am building a web application in ASP.NET using C#.NET which sends a SMS using clickatell.

I am trying unsuccessfully to receive a status back from clickatell by creating a CallBack Page called ClickatellCallBack.aspx Here is the codebehind of the Page:

public partial class ClickatellCallBack : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Retrieve the values from the QueryString.
string apiID = Request.QueryString["api_id"];
string from = Request.QueryString["from"];
string to = Request.QueryString["to"];
string timestamp = Request.QueryString["timestamp"];
string apiMsgId = Request.QueryString["apiMsgId"];
string cliMsgId = Request.QueryString["cliMsgId"];
string status = Request.QueryString["status"];
string charge = Request.QueryString["charge"];

   // Insert the SMS Status values into the database.  
   int smsStatusID = SMSManager.InsertSMSStatus(apiID, from, to,
      timestamp, apiMsgId, cliMsgId, status, charge);  


Basically, this Page retrieves the Query String values sent from clickatell and inserts them into a database table.

I have registered the following Callback URL: http://www.mydomain.com/ClickatellCallBack.aspx with clickatell and selected the Callback Type: HTTP GET

In my 'sendmsg' command I set delivery acknowledgement and callback request as follows: deliv_ack=1 and callback=3

The only problem being that nothing appears to be happening. The CallBack URL doesn't appear to be reached by clickatell.

Am I missing something? Am I doing something wrong. Do I need to implement this Callback URL using something other than an ASP.NET Page? Is there some clickatell setting I'm missing?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Are your texts being sent? I did a test project about a month ago using Clickatell. I found that if I used their SendMsg REST api, my texts were not always delivered. I switched to their SOAP api (they publish WSDL, so it's just a web service reference), and everything started working. I wasn't using their callback API, so I don't know if this will help you. But their REST api just doesn't seem reliable.JMarsch
I'm using their HTTP API and the messages are being sent and received.Walter Lockhart

1 Answers


I solved the problem by placing the callback and deliver_ack parameters with the startbatch command and not the quicksend command. This seems to work. So here is what I have inside the C#.NET function that starts the batch:

protected string get_batch_id(string session_id, string message_body)
    // Declare a WebClient.
    WebClient client = new WebClient();

    // Add a User Agent Header.
    client.Headers.Add("user-agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR1.0.3705;)");

    // Add the session_id to the Query String.
    client.QueryString.Add("session_id", session_id);

    // Add the template to the Query String.
    client.QueryString.Add("template", message_body);

    // Add the callback to the Query String.
    client.QueryString.Add("callback", "3");

    // Add the deliv_ack to the Query String.
    client.QueryString.Add("deliv_ack", "1");

    // Declare the baseurl.
    string baseurl = "http://api.clickatell.com/http_batch/startbatch";

    // Open the baseurl.
    Stream data = client.OpenRead(baseurl);

    // Declare and instantiate a StreamReader to retrieve the results of executing the startbatch command.
    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(data);

    // Parse and split the returned string into the returned_strings array.
    string[] returned_strings = reader.ReadToEnd().Split(' ');

    // Retrieve the batch_id from the (second element of the) returned_strings array.
    string batch_id = returned_strings[1].ToString();

    // Close the Stream.

    // Close the Reader.

    // Return the batch_id.
    return (batch_id);


So I've also managed to get the following functionality successfully coded up in ASP.NET using C#.NET:

  1. Send a message to a single recipient;
  2. Send the same message to multiple recipients;
  3. Send a personalised message to a single recipient;
  4. Send a personalised message to multiple recipients;

Along the way I've noticed that there aren't too many cliackatell code samples in ASP.NET using C#.NET.