When trying to deploy my MVC application to Azure Cloud Services, deployment fails with the error "Azure failed to validate the specified certificate". As far as I can tell, I've set everything up correctly.
My cloud service is sitting in Azure at myapp.cloudapp.net. I've set up an A record on my own domain myapp@mydomain.com to point to the Azure cloud service. This works as expected.
Next in IIS on the Azure VM, I created a certificate request for myapp@mydomain.com, submitted this to my chosen CA and got a .crt certificate from them. Back in IIS, I completed the Certificate Request using the .crt certificate and placed into the Personal certificate store. I then exported a .pfx certificate from IIS.
I used the .pfx certificate to upload to the Azure portal as shown.
I also installed the .pfx certificate into the Personal certificate store on a developer machine used for Azure deployment.
In Visual Studio 2012, for the webrole, I selected my installed .pfx certificate and set it as the certificate for the HTTPS endpoint.
At this point I then attempt to deploy the site to Azure. After a while, the deployment fails in Visual Studio with the error "Azure failed to validate the specified certificate". Not quite sure where to go from there.
Since a previous version of the site is running in IIS on the Azure VM, manually editing the SSL binding to use the uploaded certificate works correctly but the deployment issue still remains.