I have a game in which I need to present enemies (SKSpriteNodes) which have a flying path from right to left, across the screen. I currently made it like Apple's Adventure game, having two arrays: one of active enemies and one of inactive; both have the capacity of 10. When the game needs to add an enemy (through the update method) it takes one from the inactive array, adds it as a child and puts it in the active array. When the enemy finished it's path along the screen OR when it was destroyed, I take it from the active array, remove it from it's parent, and put it at index 0 of the inactive array.
Adding the enemy:
enemySN = [_asteroidsInactiveMArray lastObject];
[enemySN removeFromParent];
[_asteroidsInactiveMArray removeLastObject];
[_asteroidsActiveMArray addObject:enemySN];
[self addChild:enemySN];
Removing the enemy:
[enemySN died];
[_aliensActiveMArray removeObject:enemySN];
[_aliensInactiveMArray insertObject:enemySN atIndex:0];
My worries are: for now, 10 enemies are enough for current settings, but if I want to multiply the enemies added on the screen, 10 will not be enough no more.
Should I keep this style and try to modify the size of the arrays when I don't have any left? Should I take another approach and stop using arrays and just initialise enemies as I need them?