I'm using DirectShow to access a video stream, and then using the SampleGrabber filter and interface to get samples from each frame for further image processing. I'm using a callback, so it gets called after each new frame. I've basically just worked from the PlayCap sample application and added a sample filter to the graph.
The problem I'm having is that I'm trying to display the grabbed samples on a different OpenCV window. However, when I try to cast the information in the buffer to an IplImage, I get a garbled mess of pixels. The code for the BufferCB call is below, sans any proper error handling:
STDMETHODIMP BufferCB(double Time, BYTE *pBuffer, long BufferLen)
BITMAPINFO* bmi = (BITMAPINFO *)&pVih->bmiHeader;
BITMAPINFOHEADER* bmih = &(bmi->bmiHeader);
int channels = bmih->biBitCount / 8;
mih->biPlanes = 1;
bmih->biBitCount = 24;
bmih->biCompression = BI_RGB;
IplImage *Image = cvCreateImage(cvSize(bmih->biWidth, bmih->biHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, channels);
Image->imageSize = BufferLen;
CopyMemory(Image->imageData, pBuffer, BufferLen);
//openCV Mat creation
Mat cvMat = Mat(Image, true);
imshow("Display window", cvMat); // Show our image inside it.
return S_OK;
My question is, am I doing something wrong here that will make the image displayed look like this:
Am I missing header information or something?