
I'm using JDeveloper, which has an embedded 10.3.5 WebLogic Server.

When I test my application by right-click on my page and Run... in embedded WLS, everything works perfectly. It works with any page and any flow.

Now, I have to deploy the same application in an external 10.3.6 WLS.

First, I have package the application in an EAR using JDeveloper Wizard. I have done right-click in application --> Deploy --> MyApplication... --> Select Deploy to EAR.

Then, when .ear file is built, I run startWebLogic (I have previously created a domain with ADF Runtime options) and deploy the .ear as an application.

I have lots of warnings, but final message is deployment is ok.

So, my surprise is I get a NullPointerException in the first page I test, in the first access to an ADF Iterator/View in the Java class:

DCIteratorBinding iter = ADFUtils.findIterator("BusinessDataView1Iterator");  
ViewObject vo = iter.getViewObject(); -- iter is null  

This had worked lot of times in embedded 10.3.5 WLS.

10.3.6 WLS console output is this:

19-feb-2014 15:04:26 oracle.adfinternal.controller.metadata.MetadataServiceImpl$Bootstrap logActivityWarnings  
WARNING: ADFc: /WEB-INF/adfc-config-reportes.xml:  
ADVERTENCIA: ADFc: /WEB-INF/adfc-config.xml:  
19-feb-2014 15:04:26 oracle.adfinternal.controller.metadata.MetadataServiceImpl$Bootstrap logBeanWarnings  
ADVERTENCIA: ADFc: Se ha detectado una definicion de bean gestionado duplicada para 'backing_views_administracion_inicio'.  
19-feb-2014 15:04:30 oracle.adfinternal.controller.util.WebAppConfigFactory createConfig  
INFO: ADFc: Se estß utilizando la vista '<null-value>' como la pßgina inicial de la aplicaci¾n.  
19-feb-2014 15:04:32 oracle.adf.share.jndi.ReferenceStoreHelper getReferencesMapEx  
ADVERTENCIA: Incomplete connection reference object for connection:MY_DB_JDBC  
19-feb-2014 15:04:47 oracle.adfinternal.controller.application.AdfcExceptionHandler handleException  
GRAVE: ADFc: al manejar una excepci¾n, el manejador de excepciones de la aplicaci¾n ha devuelto una nueva excepci¾n.  
        at com.mypackage.Gestion.<init>(Gestion.java:37)  

Between dots sections, there are some similar warnings.

I have checked .ear file (contains a .war), decompressing it (the .war too) in a different folder and searching for duplications by text in any file, and adfc-config.xml exists only once in the .ear.

How can I solve this? Have anyone had any similar problems when deploying in an external WLS?


2 Answers


Well, I finally solved my issue.

The steps are:

Finally it works.

  1. upgrade the jdeveloper to ADF version deployed on weblogic 10.3.6.
  2. clear all your projects in jdeveloper
  3. deploy the application with ear profile.

-- Peddi