I am writing a Xamarin iOS app and having difficulty integrating Facebook SSO, though I don't think my problem is necessarily Xamarin-specific, just a lack of understanding of how to integrate Facebook SSO without the benefit of the Facebook iOS SDK.
I have followed the various guides and have done the following:
1) Have a Facebook App set up: a) iOS Platform added with bundle id matching my app's bundle id b) Single sign on enabled
2) Set up my info.plist as follows:
raw text:
<string>[company] Staging</string>
3) Implemented the following code in my app:
FacebookLoginButton.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) =>
var urlWithAppProtocol = new NSUrl("fb123490xxx://");
I have not overriden AppDelegates methods (OpenUrl and HandleOpenUrl) yet because as far as I can see those handle incoming redirects to my app; I will get that working next.
To be clear, what I'm expecting to see is the FB iOS App equivalent of this screen (from Mobile Safari)
However, if I redirect to:
"fb://[appid]" I get redirected to the FB app but just to the news feed page (or whatever screen I was on last when I was using the FB app)
"fb[appid]://" I get nothing happening, .OpenUrl() does nothing;
"fb://profile/[appid]" as an experiment, I get the following (notice the "app isn't available for your phone"); this could be because you're supposed to use the PageID with /profile.
What am I missing here?
will just open your app. You are supposed to call some method on either the Facebook SDK or Account store to make get the screen you want. – rckoenesfbxxxxx
where xxxx will be your appId from facebook will open your app not the facebook app. Account store : developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Accounts/… – rckoenes