I have some questions regarding retina vs non-retina images in iOS. Actually I am downloading some image files and they are not appended with the @2x suffix. I have few questions.
1 - Firstly it is not in a bundle just in a document library after download so @2x won't work like work for retina images that are bundled. Is my assumption correct?
2 - Retina is in the double of size as compare to non-retina images but if you will see retina images are scaled at 2.0 so If I manually scale any image to at 2.0 would there be any quality difference? e.g. I have an image Image1.png and convert it to scale 2.0 and just add in the UIImageView while on the other side I have to same image but with the name [email protected] and I add Image2 in the UIImageView. Any quality difference would be in the Image1 as compare to Image2?
Here's a code snippet I am using to convert it into at scale 2.0 or retina if the images are non-retina.
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"fileName"];
UIImage *convertedImage = [UIImage imageWithData:UIImagePNGRepresentation(image) scale:2.];