How can I render a rails partial within a single-page app after a button-click (assuming there are at least two controllers at play)?
It is unclear to me, regardless of how much material I read:
- How many controllers I need
- How many views I need
- How many actions I need
- To which action do I assign resources to?
This is precisely what I am trying to do:
I would like for a user to visit the index page of my application. At that page, they should be able to click a button to "get party event results." The results returned to them should come from the database. This button-click request should be AJAX.
From what I understand, that means
- I need two controllers: 1) StaticPagesController and 2) PartyEventsController. It means that I should have a partial for party events app/views/layouts/_part_events_results.html.erb.
- I should have an app/views/static_pages/index.html.erb view.
- It means that I will need a js.erb file somewhere outside of the assets/javascript path.
Currently I have:
def index
def food_event
<%= button_to "get events", 'layouts/party_events/', remote: true %>
I have 'remote: true' set because this should indicate that the link will be submitted via AJAX.
<% food_events.each do |event| %>
<li><%= event.text %></li>
<li><%= event.location %></li>
<% end %>
Other info, if helpful:
- Rails 4.0.0
- There will eventually be many types of events, e.g. "food", "music". Do I need view partials for each one?
- Open to any design solution as long as it's a single-page application. I know how to achieve this in PHP/JS, but am struggling to understand how with MVC.