I was thinking about a best approach to properly handle the serial port communication in my program. I have some device that sends me data, im reciving it using DataRecieved event and ReadExisting method in it. Everything that it reads is being put inside a buffer, when last line equals some string then i start to parse it into some kind of packet.
Aside from that, when i send data to this device and wait for response, i mark flag
bool isReady = false;
And in data parsing method i set this flag to true so when I recieve packet data, code can jump out of this loop and continue to work as needed. But in my opinion this is not a clean/good way to do this. And there is a problem sometimes, if device will not send the packet I need, so program is being stuck in the loop forever.
I was wondering, how would you guys resolve this case in your code?
Thanks, and sorry for bad english.