
I have a date range parameter(s) in a report. The query has in the where clause:

BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate

and in the report, these parameters exist, and set to DateTime datatype. @Startdate has a default hardcoded as 1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM. I tried using =Today() for the @EndDate, and it works in BIDS, but gets to the report server as no default. I also tried creating a report variable, and setting the default to that, but go an error stating I can't set parameter defaults to report variables.

So, how do I get my @Enddate to default to today's date in the report server?


2 Answers


Try deleting and deploying the report from the report server; sounds like it's not recognizing some of your changed properties. Should that not work, view the report in Report Manager, and go into the management/properties page on it - you should be able to see (and, if necessary, set) the default value.


I tried that, no help. I ended up creating a new dataset with a simple query to get todays date (GETDATE), then set that as the parameter default. Works like a charm.