I have been tasked with moving existing ExtJS 4 Panels on a page, rendered to separate div
s, into an Accordion layout; I have moved the div
s into the Accordion as items, and the Panels are being rendered well enough.
In my particular situation, however, the Accordion Panel applies some (10px all round) padding that I would like to remove.
I have a suspicion that it might be to do with some preexisting table styling that I unfortunately can't remove. What stylesheet modifications should I be making to specifically target the accordion control and its contents, such that the Panels contained within the Accordion Panels fit against all four edges?
If it might not be CSS styling, or if it can be as easy as an Accordion config/property, what should I be setting to remove this whitespace? I have tried some of the settings that looked promising, but have not fixed the issue.
Or, in the more negative circumstances, do I have to move the Panels directly into the Accordion, which brings with it yet more problems?
Essentially, how do I make the contents of each Panel in an ExtJS Accordion Layout fit the width and height of their individual Accordion Panel exactly without whitespace?
Accordion panel ExtJS code:
var accordion = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel',{
bodyPadding: '0px',
width: '370px',
autoHeight: 'false',
layout: 'accordion',
items: [
{title: 'Drawing', html: '<div id="Image" style="padding: 0px, margin: 0px; border-spacing: 0px; height: 350px"></div>'},
{title: 'Production Processes', html: '<div id="Process" style="padding: 0px, margin: 0px; border-spacing: 0px"></div>'},
{title: 'Production Item Details', html: '<div id="Details" style="padding: 0px, margin: 0px; border-spacing: 0px"></div>'}
renderTo: Ext.get('Accordion')