Hi I have developed windows app using c# to load the crystal reports dynamically from the code. In my development machine Crystal reports versions "10.5.3700.0" and "11.0.3300.0" installed. While building the app, by default 10.5.3700.0 version selected to my project while selecting the references of (CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.dll,CrystalDecisions.ReportSource.dll,CrystalDecisions.Shared.dll,CrystalDecisions.Web.dll) and It works fine in my Dev server. If I moved the same exe file to another server, there only 11.0.3300.0 version installed. It was throwing could not load assembly version error. How do I build my application with 11.0.3300.0 ver and make it work in other server.
Please help me out .. Thank you