
I'm new to modx Rev and I am trying to set the input field for a template variable so that it uses my chosen richtext editor. If I set the input field as rich text I just get a 1 line text field. If I set the editor as Textarea then thats all I get a text area field - there is no option in the drop down under input options for "html" as some tutorials suggest. Have I not enabled something? I am a bit lost being new to the app.

So, what type of input are you trying to capture? HTML or rich text?Sean Kimball
I'm trying to capture html but there is no "html" option on the drop down for Input Type - the only relevant options seem to be text area or rich text. I am using the latest version of Modxuser2317093
You don't want a rich text editor, you want a code editor then - like ACE or code mirror. [please update your question] Not sure about ACE or code mirror, but Markitup has some system settings for individual rich text fields. It's not well documented. but might be a startSean Kimball
Thanks for your help, I am using ACE and I have tried Codemirror. When I set the input type for the variable there is no "code" option. The tutorials I have looked up all mention using a "richtext editor". When I enable either codemirror or ace I do not get to use it for any of my template variables no matter what field type I choose even though the editor is enabled in systemuser2317093

3 Answers


Which rich text editor have you installed?

Is Rich Text enabled for the resource you are editing, if not then I think a different editor will be used.


Try downloading TinyMCE instead through package management, and use that one instead. Might wanna uninstall ACE to make sure it doesn't interfere somewhere.


I had the same problem. My solution

  1. Go to Package Management and search for TinyMCE.
  2. Download it. Then click Install.
  3. Set the Input for my Template Variable to RichText
  4. Click on Resource then Template Variables and now I see the TinyMCE editor