
I am developing an application using Catel with an master/detail architecture similar to Catel.Examples.WPF.MasterDetail. If I alter the properties of the current model in the Details view and then switch the current element in Master view, then all changes will be lost.

How can I change this behavior to keep all changes in the model when DataContext of Details view switches? Note that there is no way to add Apply button in Details view to explicitly apply changes.

show some code pleaseArsen Mkrtchyan
See catelproject.atlassian.net/browse/CTL-354, we will implement this as a native feature.Geert van Horrik

1 Answers


We implemented this native feature in Catel in the latest nightly build. If you don't feel comfortable using the latest nightly builds, you have the following option: don't decorate the model with the [Model] attribute.

For more information about the feature, see the original ticket:
