
I get memory limit error for larger batches operations, also once in a while without batch operations as a result of running a large script. I tried increasing the php memory_limit but for some reason it does not reflect in the error message, and the memory error is the same.

This is not a Neo4j error or the Php Wrapper error!!

This is a Propel(ORM) error. It seems propel and Php have memory leaks. Even after unsetting orbject, disabling instance pools, and clearing all references from the objects the error persists.

For example:

Propel::disableInstancePooling() ;

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 298112365 bytes) in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/queremos/vendor/everyman/neo4jphp/lib/Everyman/Neo4j/Transport/Curl.php on line 101

Sample code:using php symfony 1.4


use Aws\S3\S3Client;

class populateGraphDbTask extends sfBaseTask
  protected function configure()
    $this->namespace        = '';
    $this->name             = 'populateGraphDb';
    $this->briefDescription = 'populateGraphDb - populate graph db to test';
    $this->detailedDescription = <<<EOF
The [populateGraphDb|INFO] task does things.
Call it with:

  [php symfony populateGraphDb|INFO]

  protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array())
Propel::disableInstancePooling() ;
    // initialize the database connection
    $databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager($this->configuration);    
    $connection = $databaseManager->getDatabase($options['connection'])->getConnection();

    // PREVENT THE ERROR - The "default" context does not exist.
    $config = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration(

    // Connecting to the default port 7474 on localhost
    $neo = new Everyman\Neo4j\Client();

    //---create node indexes

    //create the Facebook Page nodes
    $fbPageIdx = new Everyman\Neo4j\Index\NodeIndex($neo, 'fbPageIdx');

//create unique constrainst on FbPage node
    $queryString = "CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (page:FbPage) ASSERT page.like_id IS UNIQUE";
    $query = new Everyman\Neo4j\Cypher\Query($neo, $queryString);
    $result = $query->getResultSet();

    echo "-> creating FbPages nodes in a batch transaction \n";
    $page = 1;
    $page_size = 10000;
    $start_page = 75;

    $last_id = 0;

    $connection = Propel::getConnection();
    $sql = "SELECT  Table_Name, table_rows as count
    AND     TABLE_SCHEMA = 'sample.db'
    AND   Table_name = 'cliente_fblike'";
    $statement = $connection->prepare($sql);
    $result_count = $statement->fetchAll();
    $count = $result_count[0]["count"];

    //$fblikes = ClienteFblikeQuery::create()->paginate($page, $page_size);
    $num_pages = ceil($count / $page_size);

    //var_dump('-> count - '.$count);
    //var_dump('-> num_pages - '.$num_pages);

    echo "\n";
    echo "-> count="."$count \n";
    for($i=$start_page; $i<$num_pages; $i++)
      //start batch
      echo "starting batch \n";
      $batch = $neo->startBatch();
      echo "-> on_Page - ".$i." of - ".$num_pages."\n";
      echo "-> last_id - ".$last_id."\n";

      $fblikes = ClientFblikeQuery::create()->paginate($i, $page_size);

      foreach($fblikes as $fblike)
        $last_id = $fblike->getId();
        echo '.';

        //create the FbPage node, if duplicate it will fail with error
        //var_dump('-> creating node('.$fblike->getId().'): FbPage - '.$fblike->getLikeId().'='.$fblike->getName().'='.$fblike->getCategory());
        //echo "-> creating node(".$fblike->getId().'): FbPage - '.$fblike->getLikeId().'='.$fblike->getName().'='.$fblike->getCategory()."\n";
        //echo '( )';

        $nw = $neo->makeNode();
        $nw->setProperty('type', 'FbPage');
        $nw->setProperty('category', $fblike->getCategory());
        $nw->setProperty('pagename', $fblike->getName());
        $nw->setProperty('like_id', $fblike->getLikeId());
        $nw->setProperty('created_at', $fblike->getCreatedAt());
        //$nw->setProperty('updated_at', $fblike->getUpdatedAt());
        $saved_node = $nw->save();

        //add to the index
        $fbPageIdx->add($nw, 'like_id', $fblike->getLikeId());
        $fbPageIdx->add($nw, 'category', $fblike->getCategory());
        $fbPageIdx->add($nw, 'pagename', $fblike->getName());
        //echo '(!)';
        //var_dump('! node('.$fblike->getId().') exists: FbPage - '.$fblike->getLikeId().'='.$fblike->getName().'='.$fblike->getCategory());

      echo "\n commiting batch \n";
Hi srinivas, try to change in your php.ini memory_limit to -1. This will give no memory limits.SotirisTsartsaris
Hi Sotiris, Thanks for your reply. I changed my php memory_limit to 4000MB, but still it does not help. And the error message keeps saying tried to allocate 1GB. I am not able to find out which php.ini its referring to. I changed all of them, but still get this same error.srinivas
Can you please post here the script/scripts you try to run and get the error?SotirisTsartsaris
I am using php symfony task to read my database table, and populate the nodes in batches of 10k nodes in each transaction. I have change the php.ini (5.4.10) which is used by MAMP, but still this error is persisting.srinivas
Seems it doesn't release some resources. But to import millions of nodes you can also check out my batch-importer: github.com/jexp/batch-import/tree/20Michael Hunger

1 Answers


This problems gets solved by the following:

enable php garbage collection. Disable Propel instance pooling. clear all object references. unset objects. call garbage collector.


  //create/update your objects
