I installed Windows Server 2012 as a VM using Oracle VirtualBox. In this VM MS SQL Server 2012 is running. When starting SQL Server Managment Studio, the splash screen appears for some seconds or minutes. The CPU usage of "SQL Server Management Studio" and "System Interrupts" increases to approximately 20%, where it stays. When ending the SSMS task, the CPU usage of System interrupts falls back to 0%. The GUI of SSMS does not appear. There are no error in the event viewer. What i tried so far:
- Uninstall/Install SSMS
- Repaired the installed software
- The software is up to date
- Deleted C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\11.0 to restore the default settings
- Deactivated all SQL Server Services expect "SQL Server"
Other software which is installed: jdk-7u51-windows-x64, apache-tomcat-7.0.50, Ant 1.9.3, Netbeans; However, i can not start SMS after a system reboot and none of these programs are running.
During these days I've been working with this machine, SSMS was running sometimes. However, I spent quite some time to solve this problem and after the last uninstall/install SSMS worked again. This morning i came back and started the server and SSMS didn't start again. Between that I swichted off the machine and enjoyed my weekend off...
Thank you for any hints or solutions!