I'll ask the question with an example. Say I have a project directory like so.
First i want to know if i have placed the composer.json file in the project directory correctly in order to install libraries in the vendor directory?second, say i have the following lines the composer.json
"psr-0": {
"samplevendor\\package": "lib/"
then where will composer configure autoloading to look for the class samplevendor\package\sampleclass in regards to the project root? I ask this after having seen the following lines in the symfony2 composer.locked file:
"autoload": {
"psr-0": {
"Doctrine\\Common\\Annotations\\": "lib/"
update:I found the corresponding namespace map in autoload_namespaces.php which just doesn't seem to be in accordance with psr-0:
'Doctrine\Common\Annotations\' => array($vendorDir . '/doctrine/annotations/lib')