I have a question regarding state Preservation and Restoration for Core Bluetooth on iOS 7.
I can't seem to get it to work properly. I have followed every guidline that apple mentions in their documentation for core bluetooth as well as the general documentation for state preservation.
For example here: Core Bluetooth Background Processing for iOS Apps and here: iOS State Preservation and Restoration
I can get the general state preservation to work on the device (for view controllers and objects etc.), but not for the bluetooth manager.
As far as I know the cheklist look like this:
Opt in preservation and restoration when you allocate and initialize a central manager object by assigning a restoration identifier in the options dictionary for the key CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey.
Reinstantiate any central manager objects after your app is relaunched by the system. This is done in app delegate when the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: is called. Here I am supposed to look for the UIApplicationLaunchOptionsBluetoothCentralsKey in the options dictionary and then reinstatiate the CBManager with that key. It is here where things go wrong since there are never any identifiers for that key, and thus I can not reinstatitate it.
Implement the appropriate restoration delegate method. I have done this step also, but since the manager is never re-instantiated I never receive this delegate callback.
The app is working fine in the background and I have followed all the steps for that part as well.
Now, having said all this, I am not entierly sure how to test this and that might be a part of the broblem. The way I do it now is to press the home button on the iOS device (actuall device) so that it puts the app into background and goes back to the home screen. While doing this I can tell that all the regular state preservation calls are acheived by looking at my log output. After this i quit the app by pressing the stop button in Xcode to kill the background process. I now restart the app through Xcode and once again I can now see all the regular state preservation code being executed and the state gets restored on everything except the bluetooth manager.
If this is wrong, then please let me know. But in all, I am very confused about this since it says in the Core Bluetooth docs that the preservation occurs only when "your app is relaunched by the system". What does that really mean? I also read a post on the Apple developer forum that since iOS 7 the OS will now never relaunch the app for any reason if the user kills the app manually which I am doing..
Any help regarding this would be much appreciated!