I have a multi-module project and would like to visualize integration code coverage with SonarQube. I'm able to generate test.exec and integTest.exec (JaCoCo), but have problem to force sonar-runner (sonar-jacoco-plugin) to use them. sonar-runner reports:
Project coverage is set to 0% since there is no directories with classes.
which is true as for the root project (where integTest.exec is generated) doesn't have source files (but it should not be a problem for integration coverage). My configuration:
The project is built with Gradle, but due to a CI restrictions I need to use sonar-project.properties
with sonar-runner configuration (not sonar-runner plugin from Gradle which worked for me in the past).
Update. After the analyze of sonar-jacoco-plugin sources I tried to just create a directory defined as a binary directory, but unfortunately sonar-runner doesn't set sonar.binaries property for a root module at all.
My question. Is there a workaround which would allow me to use file with the integration coverage data in a multi-module project with sonar-runner?