I was asked to do a multithreaded simulator of a specific algorithm. One of the tasks was to compare the regular scheduling results with round robin results. When I was looking for information about the round robin scheduling method I found vary general explanations and some code examples that I couldn’t find any relation between them and scheduling the threads. For example this code (found here on stack overflow):
public static void RR3(int numProcess, int[] cpuBurst, int[] arrivalTime){
int quantum = 3,time = 0, temp;
int completionTime = 0;
LinkedList <Integer>process = new LinkedList();
for (int i = 0; i < numProcess; i++) {
process.add(i, cpuBurst[i]);
while (process.isEmpty() != true){
for (int j = 0; j < quantum; j++) {
if(process.peek() == 0 ){
completionTime = completionTime + time;
temp = process.pop();
process.push(temp - 1);
double act = (double) completionTime/numProcess;
System.out.println(" Act = " + act + "ms");
I don't see anything but integers that represent the amount of process, time for each etc., but how do I actually manage their behavior? I dont see any call for a process to run or stop.