
I'm building a custom shipping method for Woocommerce, and the one thing I'm totally hung up on is how to pass custom values to the calculate_shipping() function, either when it's being used on the Cart page or Checkout page.

I need to pass a handful of user-defined variables that will impact the quote -- ie "Is Residential Address", "Is Trade Show", etc etc.

calculate_shipping receives the $package array which contains a 'destination' array, but this only includes the standard add1, add2, city, state, zip, country info. I've added custom fields to the checkout page under both billing and shipping but I still can't figure out how to make these values accessible to the calculate_shipping function.

I've added a custom field like so:

add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields' , 'custom_override_checkout_fields' );

// Our hooked in function - $fields is passed via the filter!
function custom_override_checkout_fields( $fields ) {
  $fields['shipping']['is_residential'] = array(
    'label'     => __('Residential Address?', 'woocommerce'),
 'type'      => 'checkbox',
 'required'  => false,
 'class'     => array('form-row-wide'),
 'clear'     => true

  return $fields;

And I see this field show up on the Shipping section of the checkout form. However, I'm not seeing how I can access it anywhere. Even doing a print_r($_POST) on the checkout page doesn't show this field as being part of the post data, even after I know the form has been updated and re-posted.

But most importantly, I need to add the contents of the submitted field into the $package object which Woocommerce passes to a shipping method's calculate_shipping() function.

I'm just really not sure where to even start with this.

It's generally helpful to people if you quote a snippet of the code you've written so far, that demonstrates the issue you're having, and then point to where the issue is in that code, rather than just describing the code you wrote.neminem
I added some code above but I'm not sure how useful it will be. The big thing is just that I need custom checkout fields to be accessible somehow and so far I can't even find the values in $_POSTHeruRaHa

1 Answers


You can't expect to add checkout fields and have them available at the cart page.

The correct way is to use cart packages.

Check function get_shipping_packages() from class-wc-cart.php

public function get_shipping_packages() {
        // Packages array for storing 'carts'
        $packages = array();

        $packages[0]['contents']                 = $this->get_cart();       // Items in the package
        $packages[0]['contents_cost']            = 0;                       // Cost of items in the package, set below
        $packages[0]['applied_coupons']          = $this->applied_coupons;
        $packages[0]['destination']['country']   = WC()->customer->get_shipping_country();
        $packages[0]['destination']['state']     = WC()->customer->get_shipping_state();
        $packages[0]['destination']['postcode']  = WC()->customer->get_shipping_postcode();
        $packages[0]['destination']['city']      = WC()->customer->get_shipping_city();
        $packages[0]['destination']['address']   = WC()->customer->get_shipping_address();
        $packages[0]['destination']['address_2'] = WC()->customer->get_shipping_address_2();

        foreach ( $this->get_cart() as $item )
            if ( $item['data']->needs_shipping() )
                if ( isset( $item['line_total'] ) )
                    $packages[0]['contents_cost'] += $item['line_total'];

        return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_shipping_packages', $packages );

You gotta hook into woocommerce_cart_shipping_packages filter and add your fields there.

Most likely you will need to add them (your fields) at the shipping calculator and checkout pages.

Hope this helps.