I have a function that I want all of my controllers to be able to use, so I have defined it in AppController. Now part of what this function will do has no business being in a controller and so it should be in a model, but since this is a universal operation, it only seems correct that it be in AppModel. My function looks as followed:
class AppController extends Controller {
public function i_need_this_everywhere ($term) {
// do some stuff
// this is the line that is an issue
// it seems like this should be simple and work, but no variation of this is working
$value = $this->App->get_some_cool_data($term);
return $value;
I simply want to be able to call an AppModel function from AppController. I have tried the following:
// I have tried several variations of this.
But this then complains about the lack of database table called AppModel, at which point, in AppModel I tried setting:
public $useTable = FALSE;
But that blows the whole app up so... Now I am out of ideas. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
but instead went with option kaboom :). – AD7six