I am currently using Grunt, and as I was trying Gulp, the same problem I encountered first with Grunt occurred to me.
I am trying to process some js files (concat, uglify and minify them), but I don't want all of them to compile into one big file, I want multiple output files, each from the processing of some input files :
scripts =
outputFilename: 'first.min.js',
inputFiles: ['one.js', 'two.js']
outputFilename: 'second.min.js',
inputFiles: ['three.js']
outputFilename: 'third.min.js',
inputFiles: ['four.js', 'five.js']
The only way I found (for now) to achieve that with Grunt is with multiple watches and multiple uglify tasks (or one uglify task and a listener on watch change to dynamically modify the uglify task src and dest) :
module.exports = (grunt) ->
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-contrib-watch'
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-contrib-uglify'
files: scripts.firstOutput.inputFiles
tasks: ['uglify:firstOutput']
options :
spawn : false
files: scripts.secondOutput.inputFiles
tasks: ['uglify:secondOutput']
options :
spawn : false
files: scripts.thirdOutput.inputFiles
tasks: ['uglify:thirdOutput']
options :
spawn : false
files: scripts.firstOutput.inputFiles
dest: scripts.firstOutput.outputFilename
files: scripts.secondOutput.inputFiles
dest: scripts.secondOutput.outputFilename
files: scripts.thirdOutput.inputFiles
dest: scripts.thirdOutput.outputFilename
grunt.registerTask 'default', 'watch'
And, as you can imagine, this is just an example, in my case of a big web application, there's a lot more than just three output js files, and I also process a few less files into some css files
My Gruntfile is really huge, and I find it has a lot of duplicate code, is there any way to have this code refactored to have one watch and one uglify task, with an automatically guessed src and dest with some kind of dependency (to know that if the four.js file is modified, it has to process the third output) ?
If you have some way to do it with Gulp I'll take it with great pleasure, as I would like to test it in my usual workflow.